Hens Bread – Video Production Service

How Metricool Helped Us Focus on the Work and Distanced Us from Our Phones

Metricool has been a lifesaver for our team. It allows us to focus on the work at hand and not be glued to our phones. Metricool is a social media management tool that helps you track all of your social media accounts in one place. You can see how your posts are performing, get insights into your audience, and even schedule posts! We were recently featured on Clutch’s website as a case study and we highly recommend you use their tool to manage your social media accounts!

Hen’s Bread Productions Releases Fashion Shoot Video and Photography

Hen’s Bread Productions is excited to release their latest video and photography coverage from a recent fashion shoot here in Austin, TX. Our client was thrilled with the results, as we perfectly captured his vision for the new line. With quality products and excellent customer service, Hen’s Bread Productions always strives to exceed customer expectations. If you’re in need of promotional video or photography services, be sure to call us today! We’d love to work with you.

Hen’s Bread: How to Get Clients, SEO, and Start a Business

On The Open Shutter Live Photography Podcast, Hen’s Bread shares how they get clients, SEO, and start their business. Photography is a competitive field. It takes more than just taking pictures to be successful. You need to find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. Hen’s Bread has done a great job of this by becoming a full-service photography company. They offer video production and videography services in addition to traditional photography services. This allows them to attract a wider range of clients and provide more value for their services.