SXSW 2024 is March 8-16 covering the whole Austin, TX city. In this blog post we’ll detail why our videographers are the best to cover your live event.
You’ve made the trip, you have your badge, and you’ve saved money for the SXSW 2024 experience. Based off our previous SXSW experiences we know what you need. We offer one videographer, one camera, and audio requirements at $800 for a four hour time frame. We guarantee to arrive one hour prior to the event filming and then to provide up to four hours of filming.
When we deliver you the raw footage we can deliver it as we film to your editor at home using our Camera to Cloud workflow.
Our Camera to Cloud workflow allows us to get right to work editing. If you need your edited video contents done in 24 hours, we can do that for additional fee. Our post production service includes color, audio design, and captivating story telling with text and emotional motivated cuts. Our rate for post production is $500 per finished minute, vertical social videos are $250, and expedited edits start at an additional $350.
Based off our experience with SXSW most times people have an editor that they are familiar with and they require the raw footage. Our Camera to Cloud equipment allows us to send footage to who needs it as we film and we don’t charge extra for that service.
We utilize Sony A7siii as our main cameras.
We record via SD card and SSD. Recording in multiple areas ensures your content is secure and backed up. We use V-mount batteries which give 4+ hours of juice.
Each camera package comes with your choice of a tripod or motorized gimbal.
Our zoom F6 record six xrl channels and our Tentacle Sync Lavs record 32 bit. 32 bit allows your audio to be captured what I call,
“Dummy Proof.” 32 bit allows the post production editor to fix the volume if the recording peaks or is set low.
For the clients that need multiple cameras, lighting, and audio we pack that into our video production service cart.
If you are a band or speaker looking for a multicam production we price our cart without lighting gear at $1,500( 2 cameras) and $500 per additional camera.
Speaker Showreel
Band Performance
Event Marketing
If you’re looking to record your podcast with people that you might possibly only be in the same room with because of SXSW we offer our cart $2,000 half day and $3,000 full day and this comes with the project requirements of multi-cameras, audio, lighting, and crew. Interested in seeing what video production equipment we have? Click Here.
Have specific questions about what we can do for you? Call or Text 512-893-2709
Here are the things your probably not thinking about, but we do.